A dick american indian

Well at the time I was working for my boyfriend at his company that his family ownwed we were dating and everybody knew about us and I got the same treatment like everybody else. One day he came to the front desk and said he have to leave early and that day they were giving out awards for empoyee of the month which got you more money than you were making a year and add on to the salery and I won. I was happy and everybody was happy for me and every one else won and I was the last one to win. When I got home he wasn't there so I took off my shoes and laid on the couch and watch t.v. When he got home I greeted him at the door and I ask why did you leave work and you knew I was going to get it. He said I had to go do something. I cooked dinner and we went up stairs to get in the shower and went downstairs to watch t.v. We started kissing and he got on top of me and it was getting real heavy. Then we heard the doorbell rang and it was his friends at the door. And I said don't answer it and he got off of me and answered the door. I was mad out of my mind and went up staires. He followed me and ask me what was wrong with me. I said how are you going to invite your friends over and we're spending time together. He got mad and and threw my tribe necklace at the wall and broke it. I beny down and and started crying and he said I know I shouldn'y be dating you, you're only good for being a house wife and getting rape. I walk up to him and started hitting him and he pinnned me and started taking off my clothes and his friends called him to come down to play x-box 360 on the flatscreen. He opened the door and stood there and said we're not threw. I got the rest of my clothes on and went to bed. After he left I went down to the kitchen to get some of the fruit salad I made and eat it and went to bed. I got my miniature dog and curled up and went to bed. Later that night he came back and got on my side of the bed and said he went to my side of the bed and laid a Sniker bar on my night stand. My dog woke me up by whimpering and I went down stairs so I can get away from him. I was in the kitchen and sat at the counter pulled out the bowl of fruit and sat my dog on the counter and fed him some fruit then he came down and got behind me and started kissing me. And I said get off and he did. I got some fruit and eated myself he just stood there looking at me whwile I was playing with the dog. Then after we were done I went to put the dog to bed and watched t.v. While I was watching t.v. He came and sat besides me and tried to cuttle up.I said get off off me!. He said I'm sorry and now can we go to bed. I said for what because so the white man can rape me and make his house wife he got mad and tackled me to the floor and I was automaticly crying and saying get off of me.He just started shaking me me and said I love you, I want you to come to bed with me. I said okay and he got off of me and I ran to the guest room and he came after me and grabbed me and carried me to the room. And slammed me on the bed. I said got up and started hitting him and saying you broke my mothers necklace, she mad that for me when she died. He stop and turned around and pushed me and got on top of me and started kissing me. I bit him and he bit on my neck and everywhere he could reall bad that I started crying out my mind. I saw a little bit of blood and all I can do was cry and scream. I didn't fight back. I saw my own flesh. He stop and saw I was bleedong and he carried to the bed and got the first aide kit and started putting alcohol on it and it burned and I screamed. He told me to stop and he was very sorry. I could hear wolves howling and I'm not just saying I really did. He started taking off my clothes and his and started kissing me and I was still crying. He started to go through the night stand and got some lube and a condom. I cried softly and asked him what was he doing and he said to show how much I love you. I heard the dog crying and I tried to go to it and he stop me and no he' fine.He started kissing me I looked toward the moon and started praying and speaking my native tongue. He then said I love you and got on the condom, put some lube inside me and on him and entered me. I gasp for air and screamed to the pillow he gave me. While he was doing I felt his abs and they were tight and stong. He mad me orgasm and he camed. After that he curled aginst me and went to bed. The next morning I woke up sore and and in pain and I look at all the bite marks and saw the dried up blood. And I look to saw my own flesh. He came up with fixed breakfeast and I scotted away naked under the sheets saying get away from me and crying.He aks what was wrong and I broke down crying and he came over to hug and kiss me. I said you broke my mothers necklace, she gave that to me befor she died and you decide to have sex with me and you know I didn't want to lose it. He just said I'm sorry and started kissing, I kissed him back and said can I take the day off he said yeah and he would too. I got under him and cried softly. He just hold me. Saying everything would be okay. I got up with the sheet wrap around me and got in the bathroom to take a shower. While I was in the shower he got in naked and I looked and saw and my mouth droped and Hw just stoodd there smiling. He grabbed me and pinned me aginst the wall and started kissing me and we did it agin in the shower. Now I'm scared to say this we're still together with a baby boy and married I'm still working for him and we still kind of get in huge arguments but not like this.